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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Apple varieties

  • Large. Limited storage life.
  • An attractive new late-season high-quality dessert apple from New Zealand.
  • Waxy green-yellow skin shaded red. White flesh with yellow cast. Crisp, firm, tender & juicy. Excellent for eating fresh. Rather attractive in color, quite variable in size. Good quality, but mild in flavor and eventually becoming nearly sweet.
  • Greenish yellow in color, very tart until fully ripe, keeps well. Good for cooking, drying, cider or eating out of hand.
  • Small to medium size. Green to yellow with red striping. Somewhat tart but plain cooking apple.
  • Peasgood's Nonsuch Apple
    Highly esteemed culinary apple. Large pale yellow-green fruit, deepening to orange-yellow with short stripes of bright red and some russet patches. Good acid-sweet flavor, cooks to a froth.
  • Translucent yellow skin with blush. Highly aromatic, the flesh is tender, pleasantly flavored and ranks very good to best in quality. Color green becoming bright yellow with orange-red blush, sometimes partly deepening to pink. A good variety for attracting deer as the apples stay on the tree into winter.
  • An unusual red-fleshed apple from Cornwall or Devon in England. The bark, blossom, and leaves also have a dull-red tint.
  • Tetraploid Yellow Transparent. Very big fruit, otherwise similar to Yellow Transparent.
  • It is a large yellow green apple often with shiny skin and only occasionally covered with a fine russet.   It has juicy fine grained yellow flesh, rich and acidic in flavor and excellent for pies.
  • Large fruit with red flush over green skin. Flesh crisp and juicy with good subacid flavor.
  • Large yellow fruit with red stripes and russet specks. Fine grained, crisp and juicy flesh.
  • Pinata Apple
    A synonym for Pinova.
  • Pine Golden Pippin Apple
    Russet. Sweet.
  • Pink Lady Apple
    One of the best-known modern apples, Pink Lady is actually a trademark and the variety is more correctly known as Cripps Pink.
  • Pink Pearl Apple
    A pink-fleshed apple developed by Californian enthusiast Albert Etter in the 1940s.
  • This apple obtains a red striped skin when mature, with an upside-down shape. Flesh is a deeper pink tone which varies with climatic changes. Tart and aromatic flavor.
  • A medium sized apple, light green skin turning yellow with a few faint red stripes. Pink colored flesh similar to that of Pink Pearl, but sweeter, with a nice fruity flavor.
  • Distinctive upside down shape, broad base narrow at the stem. Develops a red striped skin when ripe, flesh is deep pink, but varies according to climate. Tart mildly sweet with distinctive aromatic flavor.
  • Pinova Apple
    An attractive yellow apple with a pink/orange flush. Crops heavily and stores well. Also known as Pinata.
  • Light red striping with a yellow undercoat. Rich sweet tart flavor.
  • Pitmaston Pine Apple Apple
    An old English apple variety with an unusual flavour reminscent of pineapples.
  • Pixie Apple
    A popular garden variety, and a very good Cox substitute, quite sharp flavour
  • Pixie Crunch Apple
    Small, sweet flavored, crisp and juicy apple. Greenish-yellow base color with 90-100% red-purple overcolor.
  • Medium size. Round conical. Dark red blush over green. Sweet. Tastes like the variety Spartan.
  • A synonym for Glockenapfel.
  • Very good eating, canning and cooking apple. Pure yellow skin with crimson blush, tender, sweet and juicy flesh. Retains its form with cooking.
  • Porter's Perfection Apple
    English cider apple. Cream coloured, flushed dark red. Bitter-sharp cider blending quality.
  • Probably the parent of James Grieve, popular 19th century cooker
  • As the name suggests Prairie Magic was developed in Manitoba specifically for the cold climate of the Canadian prairies.
  • All purpose. Red over yellow, attractive large fruit. Some russeting may occur. Excellent flavor, improves in storage. Extra long keeping winter apple.
  • Medium range red over green-yellow. Keeps well through January.
  • Medium to large fruit with dark red blush over yellow. Juicy white flesh with mild subacid flavor.
  • Highly regarded early American summer eating apple. Medium-large, smooth, light green fruit, crisp, juicy, tart.
  • Prince William is a modern bittersweet cider variety from the famous Long Ashton Research Station.
  • Medium size. Round to oblate round. Yellow to whitish pale yellow skin. Fine, crisp, breaking texture. Very spicy, very juicy, very aromatic. May develop off-flavor in storage.
  • Priscilla Apple
    Medium in size. 65% red blush over yellow background. Crisp, coarse, mildly subacid. White to slightly greenish flesh. Good flavor and quality. Will store for three months. Fruit hangs well.
  • Pristine Apple
    Beautiful lemon-yellow apple with a perfect finish. This high quality apple is very productive and is a good keeper for an early apple.
  • Prized for baking, good for canning or eating. Yellow skin marbled with greenish-yellow and a brown flush. Sweet, nonacid flesh is crisp and juicy.
  • Red skinned apple covered with small white dots. Soft texture, tart flavored.