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Fuji apple


Fuji is surely one of the most attractive modern apple varieties. Its main characteristic is the lovely pink speckled flush over a yellow-green background. It is also crisp and juicy, with dull white flesh which snaps cleanly. The flavor is predominantly sweet, very refreshing (especially if slightly chilled), but perhaps not particularly outstanding.

As you might expect, Fuji comes from Japan. A development program was started in the late 1930s at Tohoku Fruit Tree Research Station in the city of Morioka, located in the main apple growing region of Iwate on the island of Honshu. The aim was to develop a variety that would appeal to Japanese tastes, particularly in terms of appearance, size, and sweetness. At that time one of the most commonly-grown apple varieties in Japan was the old American variety Rall's Janet ("Kokkoh") and many seedlings were raised by crossing this with other varieties. Fuji was eventually released in 1962, a cross between Rall's Janet and Delicious, known as "Apple Number 1". The original seedling tree, still flourishes to this day in Morioka. More details of the development of Fuji in this article.

Fuji went on to become one of the leading apple varieties worldwide. Fuji apples are widely grown, the main northern hemisphere production comes from Japan, China and the USA. Fuji is a late-ripening apple variety, and becomes available in November/December northern hemisphere orchards) and May/June (southern hemisphere orchards). Fuji apples need lots of sunshine to ripen properly.

Fuji apple identification images

All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.

  • Fuji
  • Fuji
  • Fuji
  • Fuji

USDA identification images for Fuji

The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.

    Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.

    Parents and other ancestors of this variety

    Offspring of this variety

    Sports of this variety

    Sports are natural genetic mutations of the original variety.

    Visitor reviews

    • 09 Oct 2022 
      One of the most delicious apples that I have tasted. In fact Fuji apple is the only Apple I enjoy eating.
    • 05 Mar 2022 
      I purchased 5 Fuji apples for my grandchildren. They are terrible. The taste is real close to being a juicy potato. I can afford to buy different apples from now on but I hate to see other people waste their money on Fuji apples. Perhaps the batch I bought from were out of date or something.
    • 23 Feb 2021  CA, United States
      I’ve tried so many apple varieties and honestly Fuji is consistently the best for plain apple eating and to chop up and add to salads. As a rule, we keep our apples in the crisper drawer of the fridge. On a hot day there’s nothing like a crunchy, juicy bite into a chilled Fuji apple. It’s mildly sweet, tart and very refreshing. I pick out the best apples by testing the “give” in their flesh at the store. If I can easily make a thumbprint, I toss em back for the apples that don’t easily give under hard thumb pressure. Many apples have a bitter aftertaste to the skin but not Fuji. You can’t go wrong with these apples!
    • 08 Jan 2021  CO, United States
      Fuji apples, in my opinion are the best compromise between taste, texture and price. On the last point, they come close in taste and texture to the MUCH more expensive Honey Crisp variety but tend to be more versatile for cooking (some dishes). Biting into a Fuji is what I expect from an apple ... sweet, tart, crisp, refreshing. The apple's appearance is a matter of opinon. I personally like how its unbalanced appearance shows off its cross breeding, and although the skin is irregular, it's very easy to chew.
    • 13 Dec 2020  COLORADO, United States
      I don't want to be a sour apple here, but Fuji apples are the worst variety I've ever tasted. They have a boring sweetness, nether rich nor refreshing. And to make matters worse, they are the least attractive looking apples I've ever laid eyes on. Surprising, considering Japanese place value on the appearance of foodstuffs. But Fuji apples have a dull greenish reddish brown color. Not very pleasing to look at.
    • 09 Dec 2020  GEORGIA, United States
      In my opinion one of the better common grocery store varieties. Not outstanding in any way, but a pleasant eating apple.
    • 23 Jul 2020  NSW, United States
      Great apple crisp sweet and low acid if ripe. As with most fruit red colour is from the sun to pick a ripe apple look at the under colour the greener it is the less ripe it is. Red does not equal ripe. In Australia the season is short and they don't tend to cool store these apples. Put in a Red Fuji 2 years ago got a few apples good flavour quite remarkable considering drought and fires I was watering to keep alive. Grown in a Thomas Bouche hedge.
    • 13 Oct 2019  OH, United States
      Nobody thinks Fujis make good applesauce. I guess it depends on what you want. Fujis make fabulous chunky applesauce. Peel and core apples, cut into 1" chunks, cook slowly on medium to low heat, stirring regularly until the apple chunks are soft enough to be sauce, but not so long that the chunks fall apart. Some will disintegrate as you stir, giving you the sauce to hold the chunks together. Fujis need only a small amount of sugar (if any) and cinnamon to taste. Because the apple is so juicy when first picked, you need very little water in the pot to start, and you may need to drain off excess juice as you cook it so it doesn't get watery (drink it - like hot cider). The end product is thick, chunky, naturally sweet, and healthier because of the sparse amount of granulated sugar. I have been making sauce for 30+ years, have used all different types of apples, and won't use anything else after having accidentally tried Fuji. I eat them raw too -- with cheese.
    • 02 Nov 2018  United States
      I purchased my Fuji Apple from A low budget grocery store it is juicy sweet semi crisp quality definitely varies but what an excellent apple.
    • 18 Oct 2017  WESTERN STATES (AZ, CA, UT), United States
      The Fuji apple is first-class. Every Fuji apple crunched on has been sweet and snappy. Fantastic!
    • 19 Feb 2016  NSW, Australia
      The perfect apple if you don't like apples. Totally lacking in apple flavour but it is very sweet, if that is what you want in an apple.
    • 07 Oct 2015  CALIFORNIA, United States
      The perfect eating apple. Not too tart, not too sweet, not too soft, not too crunchy. Quality can be spotty depending on where it is grown and when it is picked.
    • 09 Mar 2015  NC, United States
      I ate my first Fuji apple in Feb. of 2015. We brought it from our local Asian Supermarket in Cary, NC. It was one of the biggest apples I have ever seen. We could only get three in a bag. When I got home, I washed and peeled one of them. I was hooked. Today I went to Harris Teeter and brought 8 pounds of the Fuji apple. They are on sale at an excellent price.
    • 14 May 2013  CA, United States
      Fuji apples are a staple eating apple in USA (available all year). But at 2-3 dollars a pound (and variable quality) at the grocery store I decided to grow my own. My tree is a heavy producer even at 3 years old. I am very happy with the quality yet still small apples. I feel very blessed to be in a region where I can grow so many different varieties of apple. A proper Fuji should be crisp, light, juicy and semi-sweet. It's a satisfying every day apple that's better then most.
    • 14 May 2012  United States
      I had Fuji apple in Japan. It is quite different from the one we find in the US. Japanese Fuji apples are more fragrant, sweeter, juicier, crunchier and have a distinctive translucent ring around the core. Compare to them, the American Fuji are are quite disappointing.
    • 08 Mar 2012  DERBYSHIRE, United Kingdom
      Well I love Fuji but we cant always get them in the UK, and sometimes they are small and poor. However when we get good ones they are simply the best, I love them, my favourite above all others. They are sweet, juicy and a thin non-waxy skins. They are expensive though, so they are my special treat.
    • 10 Jan 2012  CA, United States
      When they first appeared on the market in the 80s, oooh, I fell in love with them. They were HUGE! You needed two hands to eat them. They were also very sweet, crispy, and really juicy. With incredibly long, long shelf life! Even when they got a little wrinkled, the flavor didn't change. Nowadays, the fuji apples I'm seeing aren't even comparable. I wish they'd breed the old strain more. Those were the perfect ones, I thought. I still like Fuji's for their crisp, sweet, juiciness, but they're just not the same anymore.
    • 21 Sep 2011  United States
      Fuji apples in general have great texture. Firm dense flesh. The main problem with Fuji's are the supermarket conditions they're sold in. However, looking for "pretty" apples, also gets you one that tastes good. If you see a Fuji with excellent coloration, you're 99% sure of getting an excellent apple. Firmer and generally tarter than Galas. Generally a good buy year round and out of season.
    • 06 Oct 2010  WASHINGTON, United States
      I grow several strains of Fuji. For best flavor try Myra Fuji - very high brix and super crisp. For an early Fuji try Auvil Early Fuji. So many of the Fujis you see in the stores were picked half-green. Look for Fujis with good coloring and size. You won't be disappointed.
    • 01 Oct 2010  LANZAROTE, Spain
      Has anyone else noticed that the Fuji apples this year are somewhat flavourless and even a little cotton-woolly compared to last year's crop? All I can find are Fuji apples from Chile and they are quite small and go soft really quickly. I did find some French ones once this summer and they were almost crisp but now we're back to the not-so-good Chilean ones. I'm so disappointed as I thought that I had found my perfect apple!
    • 13 Aug 2010  GA, United States
      This is my all time favorite apple! Sweet, crunchy, yummy! One HUGE benefit I have enjoyed is that one Fugi apple at night after dinner has given me relief from acid reflux. I was really having problems, but the Fugi apple kicked out the problem!!! BUT the past two weeks I cannot find them in any of the local grocery stores. Does anyone know why? I have been able to get them year around. Was there a recall or health issue, or what? I could find nothing online. There is not even an empty spot where they normally display Fugi apples!
    • 17 Jul 2010  CAMBRIDGESHIRE, United Kingdom
      Can anyone tell me where to purchase Fuji apples as my loca supermarkets no longer seem to stock them.
    • 15 Jul 2010  United Kingdom
      I absolutely love Fuji Apples, but I can't get them any more, as none of our supermarkets are stocking them any longer. I've tried every other apple available and none of them come anywhere close to the sweet, crispy Fuji. If anyone knows of any supplier in the UK, please let me know. Thanks.
    • 03 Jun 2010  WI, United States
      I have been enjoying Fuji apples for the past few weeks. I find them to be sweet, juicy and crunchy, with a unique grape-like flavor. They are becoming one of my favorite apples. That being said, they do seem to be of variable quality. When they are good, they are really good. But occasionally I get one that is bitter and not as sweet. And these were all purchased at one time so I do not know why this is happening. But I am willing to ignore this for the great taste of the good ones.
    • 31 Mar 2010  United Kingdom
      We have switched to make this our staple apple after our daughter was attracted to their near-fluorescent pink glow they in Morrison's, and we do not regret it. They are consistently juicy, uniformly shaped (important for us when cutting them to go into lunch boxes), keep well, and do not bruise as easily as many red apples. We've not had a bad apple in 12 months of buying these week-in week-out. I'm happy to recommend these to anyone :) Where do supermarket Fuji apples come from - are they from Japan?
    • 05 Nov 2009  TORONTO, ONTARIO, Canada
      Although I'm happy to see the fuji in the top 10 list, I think it should deserve a higher spot. It's a really delicious apple with a unique and outstanding taste.
    • 03 Nov 2009  Portugal
      ive eaten fuji apples for as long as i can remeber! they are by far the best tasting apples in this world!! however they are quite pricey in portugal, compared to the uk. id reccomend them 2 every1!!
    • 14 Oct 2009  IRELAND, Ireland
      I got two packs of Organic Fuji Apples this year from Tesco. The first 4 pack tasted horrible and bland. I only ate them because I hate waste. I opened the second pack and took one. It was delicious and tasty. The other three in the pack were devoured soon after.
    • 22 Sep 2009  BEDFORD UK, United Kingdom
      I do not understand why you have made such a comment about Fuji apples. I have recently reintroduced myself into eating lots of fruit and have found Fuji to be the best looking, textured and tasty of the apples aveilable just now. Nip in to your local Tesco and retry one please, they are gorgeous
    • 27 Feb 2009  SAN DIEGO, CA, United States
      I'll admit I've had a bad Fuji or two. But that's what you get when you shop at a Supermarket. That being said, nothing compares to a good Fuji. I bite into the crisp, firm flesh only to be rewarded by a hardy crunch and that sweet juice dribbling down my chin. For a moment, it's like being a kid again.
    • 30 Jan 2009  LANZAROTE, Spain
      This variety of apple has just arrived in the Canary Islands and is a welcome change from the floury, tasteless varieties that we normally have in the shops. I enjoy the sharp/sweet crispness of the flesh and hope that they do not deteriorate later on in the season as do the others.
    • 25 Jan 2009  LAS VEGAS, NV, United States
      I haven't had a good Fuji apple in years. Maybe the ones that I've tried were "rushed" and did not give good taste. I decided to try Fuji again, so I went to the store and bought a couple. The feel was crisp and crunchy; the taste was sweet, very juicy, very delicious!
    • 24 Jan 2009  MICHIGAN, United States
      Actually Red Delicious used to be a much better, more flavorful apple. The sweetness and flavor have been bred out over the years to match consumer demand, but the original cross that became Fuji was made nearly 80 years ago. But, yes, nowadays Fuji is a far superior variety (one of the best in my opinion).
    • 11 Jan 2009  CALIFORNIA, United States
      I really, really like Fuji apples!
    • 06 Dec 2008  United Kingdom
      I only came across Fujis about six years ago - now I will have no others. It is the best in my opinion, even better than cox orange pippin. We are proud of our apples in the UK - but the Fiji is best.
    • 22 Nov 2008  Australia
      I love Fujis and I also love how different they are from many of the apples I grew up with. I particularly enjoy the variety of colours that they can be found in, even in the biggest of supermarket. The best ever was a small organic fuji in a local grower's market. Heavenly!
    • 16 Nov 2008  DORSET, United Kingdom
      I've only ever had these in SE Asia and can honestly say it is one of the most dissappointing apples I've ever eaten. With its soft woolly flesh the flavour is thin with only light sweetness and no acidity.
    • 05 Nov 2008  TOKYO, Japan
      I am flabbergasted. The Fuji apple is one of my favorites in Japan. There are always the crops that have been rushed out to market under inadequate conditions, but pay a little attention to what you purchase and you won't be disappointed. The better fruits are not just sweet and juicy, they smell of the delicate pink-white apple flowers and all their nectar, warm sun and crisp air. Non-fanatics who have had such Fujis would no doubt agree to my sentiment. think that the Fuji is a descendant of those red, soft, waxy-plasticky things called Red Dxxxxxxs...!!
    • 12 Feb 2008  COLLEGE STATION, TX, U.S., United States
      Perhaps I haven't had a good Fuji. To me, the Red Delicious heritage is all too apparent--all hype and no flavor.
    • 07 Nov 2007  FLORIDA, United States
      This is my favorite apple. I love the crispness and juciness and they stay this way even with storage. I will try any variety that comes my way, but this one has by far been my favorite so far.
    • 15 Oct 2007  STAFFS, United Kingdom
      I like Fugi apples very much ,but they are expensive. The local shop sells them at 29p each, a lot dearer than other types.

    Tree register

    United States

    United Kingdom








    New Zealand



    Spring blossom records for this variety

    2020 season

    • 18th April  2020  - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States

    2019 season

    • 29th April  2019  - tree owned by Ryan in Vineyard, United States
    • 24th April  2019  - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States

    2018 season

    • 21st April  2018  - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
    • 14th April  2018  - tree owned by Keoni in Pasadena, United States

    2017 season

    • 7th April  2017  - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States

    2014 season

    • 12th May  2014  - tree owned by Dennis in Great Meadows, United States
    • 3rd May  2014  - tree owned by Kenneth in Newberry, United States
    • 2nd May  2014  - tree owned by Martin in Anaheim, United States
    • 15th March  2014  - tree owned by Danny in Phoenix, United States

    2013 season

    • 20th April  2013  - tree owned by Cody in Rochester, United States

    2012 season

    • 14th May  2012  - tree owned by Will in Powell River, Canada
    • 2nd May  2012  - tree owned by Steve in Ferndale, United States
    • 13th March  2012  - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States

    2011 season

    • 24th May  2011  - tree owned by Chris in Nanaimo, Canada
    • 20th May  2011  - tree owned by Ted in West Mountain, United States
    • 10th April  2011  - tree owned by Steve in Rio Vista, United States

    2009 season

    • 18th April  2009  - tree owned by Steve in Rio Vista, United States

    Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.

    Harvest records for this variety

    2019 season

    • 2nd week October  2019  - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States

    2018 season

    • 2nd week October  2018  - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States

    2017 season

    • 2nd week October  2017  - tree owned by Jerry in Warwick, United States

    2015 season

    • September  2015  - tree owned by Roger in Madison Heights, United States

    2014 season

    • October  2014  - tree owned by Danny in Phoenix, United States

    2013 season

    • 1st week October  2013  - tree owned by Cody in Rochester, United States

    2012 season

    • 1st week October  2012  - tree owned by Steve in Ferndale, United States
    • 3rd week August  2012  - tree owned by Lloyd in Beaverton, United States

    2011 season

    • 4th week October  2011  - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States
    • 1st week October  2011  - tree owned by Chris in Nanaimo, Canada

    2009 season

    • 2nd week August  2009  - tree owned by Steve in Rio Vista, United States


    • Species: Malus domestica - Apple
    • Parentage: Delicious x Ralls Janet
    • Originates from: Japan
    • Introduced: 1962
    • Developed by: Tohoku Research Station
    • UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1963-019


    • Country of origin: Japan
    • Period of origin: 1950 - 1999
    • Fruit colour: Pink
    • Flower colour: White
    • Leaf colour: Green
    • Popularity: Best sellers
    • Annual cycle: Deciduous
    • Alleles: 1
    • Alleles: 9


    • Picking season: Very late
    • Keeping (of fruit): 3 months or more
    • Flavour quality: Very good
    • Flavour style (apples): Sweeter
    • Discoloration of fruit: Oxidising
    • Cropping: Heavy
    • Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
    • Food uses: Eating fresh
    • Picking period: early November
    • Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators


    • Gardening skill: Average
    • Flowering group: 3
    • Pollinating others: Average
    • Ploidy: Diploid
    • Vigour: Average vigour
    • Bearing regularity: Regular
    • Fruit bearing: Spur-bearer
    • Self-fertility: Not self-fertile


    • Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 5 (-29C)
    • Chill requirement: Low-chill 400-600 hours
    • Climate suitability: Warm climates
    • Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
    • Summer average maximum temperatures: Hot (>30C / 86F)

    Other qualities

    • Disease resistance: Average
    • Scab (Apple and Pear): Some resistance
    • Powdery mildew: Some resistance
    • Fire blight: Very susceptible
    • Cedar apple rust: Very susceptible

    Where to buy trees

    The following tree nurseries offer Fuji apple trees for sale:

    Where to buy fresh fruit

    The following orchards grow Fuji:

    United States

    United Kingdom






    • Cedar-Apple Rust  
      Author: Stephen Vann, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture (FSA7538)
      Rated as highly susceptible - control always needed where CAR is prevalent.
    • Apples for the 21st Century
      Author: Manhart

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