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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

B&P Hitz Fruit Farm

14070 Wilco Highway
Woodburn, Oregon 97071
United States
Telephone: (503) 982-9307
Visiting: Public access - visitors welcome

Always call ahead before travelling to any orchard to check their opening times.


We have seven acres with about forty varieties of apples. For a full list of fruits, berries, nuts, and veggies please visit

Products / Fruit Grown

Transparent, Melba, Gravenstein, Red Gravenstein, Johnny Grimes, McIntosh, Jonathon, Winesap, Red Stamen Win sap, Spitzenberg, Northern spy, Winter Banana, Greening, Cox Orange Pippin, Roxbury Russet, Golden Russet, Crab Apples-jelly, Whitney Crab, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Striped Delicious, Mutsu, Fuji, Pink Lady, Braeburn, Red Rome Beauty, Striped Rome, Williams Pride, Criterion, Melrose, Hawaii, Royal Gala, Baldwin, Grimes Golden, Granny Smith, Jonagold, King, VanderpoolCherries, Peaches, PearsApples available for local collectionNon-Alcoholic Cider / Juice Available