Strawberry Hill Farm
3 Waln Rd(corner of Waln & Ellisdale Roads)
Chesterfield, NJ 08515
United States
Telephone: (609) 298-0823
Visiting: Public access - visitors welcome
Always call ahead before travelling to any orchard to check their opening times.
Pick your own: peaches, nectarines & apples. Family owned & operated since 1971 A beautifully maintained and friendly place!
Products / Fruit Grown
Gala, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Empire, Staymen Winesap, Rome, Cortland, Fuji, Granny Smith, Arkansas BlackYellow freestone peaches, yellow nectarines,white peaches, white nectarines, donut peaches, plums & pears
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