Search The Fruit Tree Register
- 1. Jeff Fournier in Alger, MI
- 2. Cathleen Pfister in Arlington, MASSACHUSETTS
- 3. Laraine Santagato in Atwater, CALIFORNIA
- 4. Dave Dangelo in Augusta, MAINE
- 5. Susan Leslie in Ballston Spa, NY
- 6. Susan Leslie in Ballston Spa, NY
- 7. Steve Larson in Battle Ground, WA
- 8. Randy in Baxley, GA
- 9. Anne Van De Kamp in Bellingham, WASHINGTON
- 10. David Black in Bentonville, ARKANSAS
- 11. Steve Kollodge in BROOK PARK, MN
- 12. Florian Deisenhofer in Brush Prairie, CLARK COUNTY WA 1 seasons
- 13. Dan Spratlen in Camano Island, WASHINGTON
- 14. Scott McElhaney in Camas, WASHINGTON
- 15. Matt D in Canterbury, NH
- 16. Brian Pruiett in CARLSBORG, WA
- 17. Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- 18. Madeleine Murphy in Castro Valley, CALIFORNIA 1 seasons
- 19. Susan in Center City, MINNESOTA
- 20. Gary Hegler in Chesaning, MICHIGAN 1 seasons
- 21. Ron Davis in CHUCKEY, TN
- 22. Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- 23. Larry Landis in Corvallis, OREGON
- 24. Thomas Griffith in Cottage Grove, WI
- 25. Glen in COUPEVILLE, WA
- 26. Brad in Cumberland, ME
- 27. Clayton Preston in Danbury, CT 2 seasons
- 28. Ben Carter in Decorah, IOWA
- 29. Kristina Kent in Dixon, IL
- 30. Bill Snotherly in Eastover, NORTH CAROLINA
- 31. Michael Jindrich in ELIZABETHTOWN, KY
- 32. Theresa Quednow in Elkhorn, WI WALWORTH 1 seasons
- 33. Milovan Popovic in Ellington, CONNECTICUT 1 seasons
- 34. Gina Colver in EPHRATA, WASHINGTON
- 35. Trevor Roth in Erhard, MINNESOTA
- 36. James Roden in Estacada, OR
- 37. Jerry Hilson in Everett, WASHINGTON
- 38. Aaron r Ely in Fairmont, WV
- 39. Chris Thomas in Federal Way, WASHINGTON 1 seasons
- 40. Ronny Blackstock in Fitzgerald, GA
- 41. Paul Grochowski in Floyd, VIRGINIA
- 42. Alex in Freeland, WA
- 43. Jonathan Newberry in Friendsville, TN
- 44. Mike in Glen Rock, PA 1 seasons
- 45. Michael Le Boulluec in Glen Rock, PA 1 seasons
- 46. Mike Betts in Grattan Township, MICHIGAN/KENT
- 47. Brian Van Erem in Green Bay, WI 1 seasons
- 48. Gini in Greenwich, NY
- 49. Christine Pielenz in Half Moon Bay, CA
- 50. Roger Sloboda in Hanover, NH
- 51. David Shaffer in Harrod, OH
- 52. Donald Smith in Harwinton, CT
- 53. James Dierberger in Hebron, CT
- 54. Tom Parks in Holladay, UT
- 55. Beverley in Ilminster, SOMERSET
- 56. Velvie Mckenzie in Jackson, OH
- 57. Brian Wilt in Jackson, OHIO
- 58. Steven Stanley in Johnson City, TN
- 59. Steve Bean in Kaysville, UTAH
- 60. Michael Miller in Kennett Square, PA
- 61. Aurie Bradley in Kensington, CA
- 62. James Nichols in La Luz, NEW MEXICO
- 63. Kurt in Ladysmith, WI - WISCONSIN
- 64. Ryan Parsell in Langley, WA
- 65. Adam Dupps in Lawrenceburg, IN
- 66. Crazyeddie in Lombard, IL 1 seasons
- 67. Jarad Giese in Longmont, CO
- 68. Michael Mcnamara in Los Gatos, CALIFORNIA
- 69. Roger Miller in Madison Heights, VA
- 70. Rory Mcgregor in Mapleton,, MN
- 71. Malia in MCKINLEYVILLE, CA
- 72. Susan Karpenski in Meadville, PA
- 73. Jen in Menlo Park, CALIFORNIA
- 74. Elizabeth Otto Hamel in Menlo Park, CA
- 75. Jim Nelson in Mequon, WI 9 seasons
- 76. Eric in Meridian, IDAHO
- 77. Nathan Sanders in Middleburg, PENNSYLVANIA
- 78. Ray Wickline in Middletown, MARYLAND (MD)
- 79. Judd Curran in Missoula, MONTANA
- 80. Nathan Parker in Mount Shasta, CA
- 81. Dan Wombles in New Canton, IL
- 82. Matt in New London, MN
- 83. Barry Ecker in New Prague, MINNESOTA/SCOTT
- 84. Paul Gerrish in Newbury, MA
- 85. Shirley Miller in Nucla, COLORADO
- 86. Kevin Yeadon in OAK HARBOR, WA
- 87. Steve in Orange Vale, CALIFORNIA/SACRAMENTO COUNTY 1 seasons
- 88. Kerry Mcquaid in Oregon City, OREGON 1 seasons
- 89. Nancy Crossley in Oxford, MICHIGAN
- 90. Joachim Peters in Palatine, ILLINOIS
- 91. Mark Delman in Palo Alto, CALIFORNIA
- 92. Dave in Pasco, WA
- 93. Gary in Pleasant Hill, CA 1 seasons
- 94. Jerry Hudgins in Point Reyes Station, CALIFORNIA 3 seasons
- 95. Grace in Portland, OREGON 1 seasons
- 96. Grace in Portland, OREGON
- 97. Grace in Portland, OREGON
- 98. Justin in PORTLAND, OREGON
- 99. Megn in PORTLAND, OR
- 100. Kim Lapacek in Poynette, WI
- 101. Jessica Preece in Provo, UTAH
- 102. Malibubluff@Yahoo.Com in Pueblo, COLORADO
- 103. Ruby Landow in Putney, VT
- 104. Ricky Bruckner in RAVENNA, OHIO (OH)
- 105. Christoph in RENO, NV
- 106. Michael Howe-Smith in Richboro, PA
- 107. Daniel Sims in Richmond, IN
- 108. Darren Peters in Rock Spring, GEORGIA
- 109. Alicia in RUTLAND, MA
- 110. Jeffrey Cottrell in Saginaw, MI 4 seasons
- 111. Brian Phillips in Saint Johns, MI
- 112. Lorraine Leber in San Francisco, CA
- 113. Jimj in San Francisco, CALIFORNIA
- 114. Jason Whitehorn in Sand Springs, OK
- 115. Dave Beamer in Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA
- 116. Axel Kratel in Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA
- 117. Jeannie Berg in Scio, OR
- 118. Eric in Seabeck, WA
- 119. Jon Shannon in Shaw Island, WA
- 120. Jon Shannon in Shaw Island, WA 5 seasons
- 121. Michael Chick in Shoreline, WA
- 122. Mike Haller in Sioux City, IOWA
- 123. Whitney Peters in Sixes, OREGON
- 124. Chris Mastrangelo in Smithttown, NEW YORK 1 seasons
- 125. Gary Brandstetter in Snohomish, WA
- 126. Gina Cook in SOUTH BEND, INDIANA
- 127. Kellogg Hill Farms in SOUTH DAYTON, NY
- 128. Karen Davies in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- 129. James Wargo in SOUTHBURY, CT
- 130. Noah McVay in Spring Green, WISCONSIN
- 131. Owen Witesman in SPRINGVILLE, UT
- 132. Herdie Baisden in STOCKHOLM, WI
- 133. Phil in Stoke On Trent, STAFFORD
- 134. Rick Simoniello in Storrs / Mansfield, CT
- 135. Joni Clancy in Sublimity, OR 1 seasons
- 136. Heidi Pocklington in Suffolk, VIRGINIA
- 137. Dallin in Syracuse, UT
- 138. Dallin in Syracuse, UT
- 139. Lawrence Bradley in Tacoma, WA
- 140. Glenn Tremble in Trail, OREGON
- 141. OrangePippin-Scott in Traverse City, MI
- 142. Bryan m in TRENTON, NJ
- 143. Terry Graham in Tumwater, WA
- 144. Steven Sypkens in Turney, MO
- 145. Don Mcivor in Twisp, WA 1 seasons
- 146. Glenn Grossman in Vancouver, WASHINGTON
- 147. Steve Knoebber in Vicksburg, MICHIGAN
- 148. John Betz in Vineland, NEW JERSEY
- 149. Ryan Grover in Vineyard, UTAH
- 150. Nimzo in Walnut Creek, CALIFORNIA/CONTRA COSTA
- 151. Tim Cheney in Walpole, ME/LINCOLN
- 152. Lisa Schultz in Warwick, RHODE ISLAND
- 153. Mary Hanley in WEST HAVEN, VT
- 154. Stephan Orchard in Westfield, INDIANA
- 155. Robert Wallace in WESTMINSTER, VT
- 156. in Westmoreland, NEW HAMPSHIRE
- 157. R. Matthew Warren in Woodbridge, VIRGINIA
- 158. Jonathan Bastedo in YUCAIPA, CA
- 159. Keith Johnston in Abaerdeen, ABERDEENSHIRE 3 seasons
- 160. Joyce M Brown in Abingdon, OXON
- 161. Henryc in Andover, HAMPSHIRE
- 162. Paul in Ballyclare, CO. ANTRIM
- 163. Suzanne Mcnally in Banbury, OXON
- 164. Phil Martin in Bath, SOMERSET
- 165. Angela Underhill in Bedford, BEDFORDSHIRE 5 seasons
- 166. Graham Herridge in Biggleswade, BEDS
- 167. Kevin Chadwick in Birmingham, WEST MIDLANDS
- 168. Kevin Chadwick in Birmingham, WEST MIDLANDS
- 169. Kevin Chadwick in Birmingham, WEST MIDLANDS
- 170. Kevin Chadwick in Birmingham, WEST MIDLANDS
- 171. Nathan Scullion in Boston, LINCOLNSHIRE
- 172. David Hill in Braintree, ESSEX
- 173. Annette Unsworth in BRIGHTON, EAST SUSSEX
- 174. Alison Swift in Bristol, BRISTOL
- 175. Eric Hill in Bristol, SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE 6 seasons
- 176. Jason Marks in Bristol,
- 177. Alan Hayman in Bristol, SOMERSET 1 seasons
- 178. Andrew Colchester in Bures, SUFFOLK, UK
- 179. Mike Wicken in Camberley, COUNTY (OPTIONAL)
- 180. Lyn Eryl Jones in Cambridge, CAMBRIDGESHIRE 1 seasons
- 181. Peter Kent in Casnewydd, GWENT
- 182. Douglas Silverstone in Chesham, BUCKS
- 183. Meadowcopse in Chester, CHESHIRE
- 184. Derek Turnbull in Chesterfield, DERBYSHIRE
- 185. Alan Elsbury in Chippenham, WILTSHIRE 1 seasons
- 186. Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- 187. Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- 188. Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- 189. Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- 190. Graham Bell in Coldstream, BERWICKSHIRE 1 seasons
- 191. Graham Bell in Coldstream, BERWICKSHIRE
- 192. Dianne Davenport in Coulsdon, SURREY
- 193. Michael Mccarthy in Coulsdon, SURREY
- 194. David Mcgoldrick in Crieff, PERTHSHIRE
- 195. Arlene Kearney in Croydon, SURREY
- 196. Irina Pertsel in DURHAM, COUNTY DURHAM
- 197. Graham Hinchliffe in Eastbourne, EAST SUSSEX
- 198. Neil Kenny in Edinburgh, EASTLOTHIAN
- 199. Davidjohndawkins in Ely, CAMBS
- 200. David Neilson in ELY, CAMBS
- 201. John Dench in Etchingham, EAST SUSSEX
- 202. Elizabeth Hodge in Evesham, WORCESTERSHIRE 2 seasons
- 203. Annette Hurt in Filby, NORFOLK
- 204. Daniel Mills in FISKERTON, LINCS
- 205. Mrs Sophie Wiles in Flamborough, EAST YORKSHIRE
- 206. Tony in Glasgow, SCOTLAND
- 207. Steve Stoodley in Glastonbury, SOMERSET
- 208. Mike Galtrey in Godalming, SURREY 10 seasons
- 209. Geoffrey Brown in Grundisburgh, SUFFOLK
- 210. zoe in Guildford, SURREY
- 211. zoe in Guildford, SURREY
- 212. Charles Wills in GUNNISLAKE, CORNWALL
- 214. Dave Hoare in Harefield, MIDDLESEX
- 215. Dave Hoare in Harefield, MIDDLESEX 3 seasons
- 216. Maria Cummins in Harwich, ESSEX 1 seasons
- 217. Nick Letch in HARWICH, ESSEX
- 219. Rupert in Holnest, DORSET
- 220. Billy Auger in Hopton Wafers, SHROPSHIRE
- 221. Richard Pratt in Houghton Regis, BEDFORDSHIRE 1 seasons
- 222. Terry Smith in Huntingford, DORSET
- 223. Mary Fielding in LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE
- 224. Geoff King in Leeds, WEST YORKSHIRE
- 225. Paul Haines in Llandyfriog, Newcastle Emlyn, CEREDIGION
- 226. Sarah Manley in London, LONDON 2 seasons
- 227. Susan and William Dyson in London, LONDON
- 228. Sally Turley in London, LONDON
- 229. Daniel Sandford in London, LONDON
- 230. Angela Rouse in London, GREATER LONDON 1 seasons
- 231. Atg in London,
- 232. Joe in London,
- 233. Michelle in London,
- 234. Nick in LONDON, LONDON
- 235. Lucy & Jonathan Bowden in Long Hanborough, OXFORDSHIRE
- 236. Malcolm Whitmore in Loughborough, LEICS
- 237. Malcolm Whitmore in Loughborough, LEICS 2 seasons
- 238. Andrea Weston in Maldon, ESSEX
- 239. Pat Burke in Market Deeping, PETERBOROUGH
- 240. Jean Lippett in Martock, SOMERSET 1 seasons
- 241. Zoe Mitchell in Milton Keynes, UNITED KINGDOM 1 seasons
- 242. Brian Heaney in Newcastle Upon Tyne, TYNE AND WEAR
- 243. Graham Charles Schofield in Newmarket, SUFFLOK
- 244. Nick Butcher in North Curry, SOMERSET
- 245. Nicola Matthews in Nottinghm, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
- 246. Melanie in Nr Leicester, LEICESTERSHIRE
- 247. Nickkk in Oldham, LANCASHIRE 1 seasons
- 248. Glynn Swift in Oswestry, SHROPSHIRE
- 249. Elizabeth Moriarty in Oxford, OXON
- 250. Frank Leach in Peacehaven, EAST SUSSEX 3 seasons
- 251. Jude Ilett in Peasenhall, SUFFOLK
- 252. Peter Willis in Peterborough, CAMBS 3 seasons
- 253. Alasdair Mcintosh in Peterborough, CAMBRIDGESHIRE
- 254. David Mogg in Petersfield, HAMPSHIRE 1 seasons
- 255. Martin A Smith in Petersfield, HAMPSHIRE
- 256. Graeme Stockdale in Pilsley, Chesterfield, DERBYSHIRE
- 257. Steve Halliwell in Poole, DORSET
- 258. M. Salisbury in Preston, LANCS
- 259. Ivor Kiverstein in Pulborough, WEST SUSSEX
- 260. in Ramsgate, KENT 8 seasons
- 261. Julia p in Rosewell,
- 262. Julia p in Rosewell,
- 263. Mike in Rottingdean,
- 264. Phil Stevenson in Rugeley, STAFFORDSHIRE
- 265. Basil Longy in Ryde, ISLE OF WIGHT
- 266. Basil Longy in Ryde, ISLE OF WIGHT
- 267. Nigel in Ryton Dorrington Shrewsbury, SHROPSHIRE 1 seasons
- 268. Mark Davies in Saddleworth, YORKSHIRE
- 269. Lesley Campbell in Saltcoats, AYRSHIRE 1 seasons
- 270. John s m Roberts, O.B.E. in Seaford, EAST SUSSEX
- 271. Mrs Jane Brown in Settle, NORTH YORKSHIRE 1 seasons
- 272. Liz Douglas in SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE
- 273. David Lonsdale in Shipdham, NORFOLK
- 274. Graham Tibble in Southampton, HAMPSHIRE
- 275. Philip Babey in SOUTHAMPTON, HAMPSHIRE
- 276. Connor in Southampton,
- 277. Steve in Steeple Claydon, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 2 seasons
- 278. Thomas Lord in Stowmarket, SUFFOLK
- 279. K Hufton in Stranraer, WIGTOWNSHIRE
- 280. Peter Selby in Swadlincote, DERBYSHIRE
- 281. Richard Ayling in Swansea,
- 282. Richard Ayling in Swansea,
- 283. Peter Griffiths in Thame, OXFORDSHIRE
- 284. Ross Jonker in Torquay, DEVON 1 seasons
- 285. Rachel Wilcox in Wakefield, WEST YORKSHIRE 1 seasons
- 286. Dave Lamb in Warrington, CHESHIRE
- 287. David Briggs in Warwick, WARWICKSHIRE
- 288. Wayne Seagate in Watlington, NORFOLK
- 289. David Kenning in Whitstable, KENT
- 290. Tim Whitten in Widecombe-In-The-Moor, DEVON
- 291. Phil Mcintyre in Widnes, CHESHIRE
- 292. Mark Brisbane in Winchester, HAMPSHIRE
- 293. Bob Henley in Winchester, HAMPSHIRE
- 294. Lee Parker in Wisbech, CAMBRIDGESHIRE 1 seasons
- 295. Stuart Sullivan in Worcester, WIRCESTERSHIRE
- 296. Matt Thompson in York, NORTH YORKSHIRE
- 297. James C. Porteous in York, NORTH YORKSHIRE 5 seasons
- 298. Martyn Clayton in York, NORTH YORKSHIRE
- 299. Andrew & Jean Calverley in York, YORKSHIRE
- 300. Johan Cornelis in Gent, OOST-VLAANDEREN 1 seasons
- 301. Johan Cornelis in Gent, OOST-VLAANDEREN
- 302. Pablo in Haderslev, NORTH SCHLESWIG 1 seasons
- 303. Hanne Joergensen in Risskov, DENMARK
- 304. BeN62 in Eclimeux,
- 305. Sylveno in Le Frayssé, TARN
- 306. Steven Malby in Lubersac, CORREZE
- 307. Simon Pleasance in Ribaute,
- 308. Andrew Dalby in Saint-Coutant, DEUX-SEVRES
- 309. Miki Koehler in Wolfsburg, NIEDERSACHSEN
- 310. Xenophon Alexopoulos in Gardiki Souliou, THESPROTIA
- 311. Matt Steele in Blacklion, COUNTY CAVAN 1 seasons
- 312. Frank And Susan Jacoby in Clontarf, DUBLIN
- 313. Graeme Manning in Clooncoran, Ballygill, Ballinasloe., CO. GALWAY
- 314. Nikolai in Dublin, DUBLIN
- 315. Simon Clarke in Duleek, COUNTY MEATH 1 seasons
- 316. James A Nolan in Glynn,, WEXFORD. 1 seasons
- 317. Sean Cremin in NEWCASTLE WEST,
- 318. James Munro in Westport, COUNTY MAYO 2 seasons
- 319. Jan Huston in Castel D'Aiano, BOLOGNA
- 320. Jan De Boer in Westwoud, NOORD-HOLLAND
- 321. Sebastian in Krakow, MALOPOLSKA
- 322. Jorge Ramirez in VALENCIA, VALENCIA
- 323. Kent in Gothenburg, SWEDEN
- 324. Jeff in Annapolis Royal, NOVA SCOTIA
- 325. Barry Hegland in Bridgetown, NOVA SCOTIA
- 326. Angela in Chilliwack, BC
- 327. Mat Vaughan in Clear Creek, ONTARIO
- 328. Rylan in COURTICE, ONTARIO
- 329. Peter Holmes in Cowichan Bay, B.C.
- 330. Roger Macpherson in Delta, B.C.
- 331. Pat in Hamilton, ONTARIO
- 332. David Tutton in Holyrood, NEWFOUNDLAND 1 seasons
- 333. Bill Cuell in Kaslo, BC
- 334. v k Howald in Lucknow, ONTARIO
- 335. Chris Widmeyer in Nanaimo, BC 4 seasons
- 336. James Young in Naramata, BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 seasons
- 337. Donna in North Saanich, BC 1 seasons
- 338. David A. Young in PARKDALE, NOVA SCOTIA
- 339. Will Langlands in Powell River, BC
- 340. Jeannine Caldbeck in Thetis Island, BRITISH COLUMBIA
- 341. John H. Latta in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 seasons
- 342. Barbara in Vancouver, BC
- 343. Ceecee in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 seasons
- 344. Jen Maynard in Vancouver, BC
- 345. Stephen Boardman in Acton Park, TAS
- 346. Evelyn Doyle in Canberra, ACT
- 347. Warren in Cobram, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- 348. Bec in Coleraine, VICTORIA
- 349. Mary Morris in Eudunda, SA
- 350. Susie Cordia in Foster North, VICTORIA
- 351. Katie Finlay in Harcourt, VICTORIA
- 352. Evan in Launceston, TASMANIA
- 353. Lydia Kokotos in Lower Wattle Grove, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA
- 354. Cow & Company in Margate, TASMANIA
- 355. Jenny in Melbourne, VICTORIA,
- 356. Marinus Beimers in Mount Evelyn, VIC 1 seasons
- 357. Patrick Deasey in Mt Macedon, VIC
- 358. a Bear in TOOLANGI, VIC
- 359. Wesley Hutson in Wandong, VICTORIA
- 360. Hayden in Winslow, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- 361. Carbine in YASS, NSW
- 362. Maren in Bulls, RANGITIKEI
- 363. Trevor Courtney in Christchurch, CANTERBURY
- 364. Sue Foot in Christchurch,
- 365. Tubber in Christchurch, TYPE A CHOICE BELOW ...
- 367. Jo in Gisborne, EAST COAST
- 368. Giles in HAMILTON, WAIKATO
- 369. Terry Sale in Masterton, 5810, WAIRARAPA
- 370. Mark Kingston in Rangiora, CANTERBURY 1 seasons
- 371. Stewart and Joanna in Southbridge, CANTERBURY
- 372. Tim in Upper Hutt,
- 373. John Little in Komagane-Shi,, NAGANO-KEN 1 seasons
- 374. Caleb Fuller in Yoshitomi-Machi, FUKUOKA
- 375. Richard in Krakow,
- 376. Farzami Soroush in Tehran, TEHRAN
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