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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Cox's Orange Pippin Apple tree

Owner: John

Location:  Komagane-Shi,, NAGANO-KEN, Japan

Age:Planted in about
Soil:Poor (low in organic material), relatively neutral PH, high iron content. 
Climate at this location:Dry, sunny winters with rainy season in late spring, followed by hot, humid summer.
Pruning:None yet.
Tree form:Central leader (widest at bottom)
Height:Up to 6ft / 2m
Cropping:Not specified
Growth:Not specified
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Pesticides:Organic treatments
Local pests:Kemushi (hairy caterpillar), deer (sapling damage), fungal diseases (brown rot, ring rot)

Owner's comments

These grafts were made onto M9-interstock and the intention is to cut off the existing root-ball once the M9 has sprouted roots (they're planted deeply) to end up with true M9 dwarf trees.

Season records for this tree

  • 2010

    Spring blossom: 2 June
    We searched and searched for Cox's here in Japan, but couldn't find a supplier. What we did find was that the Nagano Agricultural University keeps a DNA database of varieties and COP was in the database. The university very kindly agreed to let us have a few cuttings and on the 7th of April this year I grafted about twenty onto M9-interstem rootstock, with a couple of extra going onto existing (dwarf) Kougyoku and Sansa trees for luck. By mid May we had bud burst. Fingers crossed!