Ornamental cherry varieties
A flowering cherry which is useful for public spaces on account of its conical form and attractive bark.Shirofugen
Shirofugen is a traditional Japanese flowering cherry with large double-white flowers, also known as Fugenzo.Shirotae
Prunus Shirotae features large single or semi-double fragrant white flowers, and is perhaps the most beautiful of the white-flowered Japanese cherries.Shizuka - Fragrant Cloud
A Japanese flowering cherry with large fragrant bright white blossom, and strong autumn colours.Shosar
An upright fastigate flowering cherry with pink blossom and good autumn leaf colours.Snow Goose
A small upright flowering cherry tree with particularly large single white flowers.Snow Showers
A compact slow-growing flowering cherry, with long weeping branches and a mass of white single flowers.Spire
A compact upright blossom tree with pale pink flowers, and orange-red autumn foliage colours.Spring Glow
Spring Glow is a stunning sight in early spring, with its large deep pink single flowers, followed by dark purple foliage.Spring Snow
A Japanese flowering cherry with double-flowered white blossom borne on bare branches, followed by coppery-leaves.Stellata
A small flowering cherry tree, named after its star-shaped pink blossom.Sunset Boulevard
A large flowering cherry tree with a distinctive columnar form, and large single white flowers.