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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Ornamental cherry varieties

  • An excellent small flowering cherry, with pale pink blossom, and interesting leaf colour in both spring and autumn.
  • A small graceful weeping Fuji cherry, with small single white flowers.
  • One of the most attractive and oldest of the traditional Japanese weeping cherries.
  • An attractive early-flowering wide-spreading weeping Japanese pink cherry blossom tree.
  • The definitive pink blossom tree, offers a long-lasting display of pink double flowers.
  • This perfectly named flowering cherry features clusters of pink blossom hanging like pink shells.
  • A form of the native English wild cherry, featuring which has double white flowers rather than single flowers.
  • A small and hardy winter-flowering cherry, ideal for winter colour and small gardens.
  • The native 'Gean' or 'Mazzard' cherry, makes an attractive woodland tree.
  • A flowering cherry, but grown primarily for the stunning copper striped bark.
  • A columnar flowering cherry, often called the Tassel Cherry because of unusual shape of its white flowers.
  • This is the Himalayan cherry, notable for its attractive exfoliating bark, and hairy young shoots.
  • Sargent's Cherry is an impressive ornamental cherry, scoring highly for blossom, autumn colour, and its attractive form.
  • Prunus serrula Flowering cherry
    A popular flowering cherry tree species, The Tibetan cherry or Birch Bark cherry is well-known for its attractive bark.