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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Newtown Pippin Apple tree

Owner: Mary

Location:  Denver, CO, United States

Age:Planted in about 2008
Age of this tree:18 years
Soil:clay with compost on top 
Climate at this location:cold winters and very hot summers, dry climate
Pruning:Pruning to keep height lower to aid in picking
Tree form:Half-standard
Height:Not sure
Cropping:Light crops
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Herbicides:Organic treatments
Pesticides:Organic treatments
Local pests:coddling moth

Owner's comments

Yellow green vintage apple. Good flavor and good keeper. Not a very attractive apple in appearance. Crops have been sparse due to late freezes for a number of years. This is only the second time it has cropped.

Season records for this tree

  • 2018

    Size: 4.5m / 15.0ft high   4.5m / 15.0ft wide
    Fireblight: Mild attack
    Codling moth: Mild attack
    Crop came in this year after five years without a crop. Nice large apples. Fairly small crop.2018