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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Honeycrisp Apple tree

Owner: Kurt

Location:  Ladysmith, WI - WISCONSIN, United States

Age:Planted in about 2013
Age of this tree:11 years
Soil:8-10" good topsoil; then heavy clay 
Tree form:Not sure
Height:Between 6ft / 2m and 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Not specified
Growth:Not specified
Herbicides:Not sure
Pesticides:Not sure

Owner's comments

Winter Greenhouse Main leader broken off in June 2016 - parents thought it was leaning too much from the fruit load, and snapped when they tried to straighten it to add a support. in "bird sanctuary"

Season records for this tree

  • 2018

    Spring blossom: 19 May
  • 2017

    Spring blossom: 18 May
    Harvest: 4th week September  20kg / 44lbs
    Canker: Not present
    Scab: Mild attack
    Mildew: Not present
    Fireblight: Not present
    Cedar-apple rust: Not present
    Woolly aphid: Not present
    Codling moth: Not present
    Plum fruit moth: Not present
    Silverleaf: Not present