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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Sops in Wine Apple tree

Owner: Katie

Location:  Mahomet, IL, United States

Age:Planted in about 2010
Age of this tree:14 years
Soil:Very fertile loam 
Climate at this location:5b to 6a, very cold in January
Tree form:Central leader (widest at bottom)
Height:Between 6ft / 2m and 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Not specified
Growth:This tree grows fairly well here
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Local pests:fire blight

Season records for this tree

  • 2015

    Harvest: 3rd week July  1kg / 2lbs
    Fireblight: Mild attack
    Ripened before I had realized it, so 2 of the year's 3 apples were already slightly over-ripe and mealy by July 23 when I picked them. Third was still crisp. Flavor sweet, mild, slightly aromatic, somewhat insipid.