Harvest: 2nd week September 5kg / 11lbs
2.0m / 6.7ft high 1.5m / 5.0ft wide Canker: Not present Scab: Not present Mildew: Not present Fireblight: Not present Cedar-apple rust: Not present Woolly aphid: Not present Codling moth: Mild attack Plum fruit moth: Not present Silverleaf: Not present Good sized apples ,less than 50 percent problematic
Harvest: 4th week August 3kg / 7lbs
2.0m / 6.7ft high 1.0m / 3.3ft wide Considerable Apple drop end of August? Due to dry weather ,ripe apples,appearance of dual population of apples ,some not yet right ? Reflects whether tip or spur
2.0m / 6.7ft high 1.0m / 3.3ft wide transplanted early 2014 from previously waterlogged position ;now has blossom