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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Wealthy Apple tree

Owner: Dave

Location:  Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA, United States

Age:Planted in about 2011
Age of this tree:14 years
Soil:heavy clay 
Climate at this location:warm spring, summer and fall, light winter frost
Pruning:mostly summer pruning for size control
Tree form:Not sure
Height:Up to 6ft / 2m
Cropping:Heavy crops
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)

Owner's comments

My Wealthy tree is very small (under 5 feet) and only has two 6-inch long branches. I planted it very near a 30-year old orange tree and I think it has been out-competed so far but the apples were excellent! This is one of my favorite apple varieties after only one small crop.

Season records for this tree

  • 2013

    Size: 1.5m / 5.0ft high   
    Canker: Not present
    Scab: Not present
    Mildew: Not present
    Fireblight: Not present
    Cedar-apple rust: Not present
    Woolly aphid: Not present
    Codling moth: Not present
    This was the first crop, with 5 medium apples ripening in August. The first three were very tart and very good, the last two had sweetened some and were also good.