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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Queen Cox Apple tree

Owner: Jim

Location:  Trinidad, CA, United States

Age:Planted in about 2004
Age of this tree:23 years
Soil:sandy, upraised beach 
Climate at this location:very cool, within 300 feet of the Pacific ocean
Pruning:pruned each year to remove crossing, contain height, open center for air circulation.
Tree form:Standard
Height:Between 6ft / 2m and 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Heavy crops
Growth:This tree grows fairly well here
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Pesticides:Organic treatments
Local pests:scab, mildew

Owner's comments

This is our only tree not in an espalier. It is a standard, sprayed each winter with sulfur, and neem oil, and produces very tasty fruit usually picked in late September at this location in far northern coastal California.

Season records for this tree

  • 2023

    Harvest: 4th week September  20kg / 44lbs
    Size: 5.0m / 16.7ft high   
    Scab: Mild attack
    This record is actually for 2024. There was a heavy crop of apples this year (second year of above average rainfall) and beautiful weather during flowering. Winter pruning in previous winter was heavy to lower height and open up the tree interior. Lots of fruit drop helped by raccoons. Picked on Sept. 23rd, 2024. Beautiful crop.
  • 2015

    Harvest: 3rd week September  55kg / 121lbs
    Size: 4.5m / 15.0ft high   
    Very good clean crop picked 09/24/2015. It was a dry year in northern California. The apples were a bit smaller than normal, but had very little disease this year (scab is the major problem here.)
  • 2014

    Harvest: 4th week August
    Size: 3.5m / 11.7ft wide
    Very good year for the Queen Cox on the far north coast of California (within 100 meters of the Pacific Ocean). The droughts effect was to back off the fungal diseases. Very good fruit set of beautiful apples. They taste superb.