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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Zestar! Apple tree

Owner: Sarah

Location:  Orcas Island, WA, United States

Age:Planted in about 2013
Age of this tree:13 years
Rootstock:Elma 7
Soil:Mostly Compacted clay, small stones 
Climate at this location:Summer: temp in 70s, sunny. Winter: rainy, temp in 40s, windy salt air
Tree form:Bush (wider at top than bottom)
Height:Up to 6ft / 2m
Cropping:Not specified
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Local pests:Voles, slugs

Owner's comments

This is in a 3 year old orchard with cherry and plum trees. It is planted over a new type of septic field that allows for planting between the septic drain rows. Thus the tree gets extra "gray" water during the dry summer months. Orchard is 150 ft from the sea.