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Gravenstein Apple tree

Owner: Jady

Location:  Allendale, MI, United States

Age:Planted in about
Soil:Sandy loam 
Climate at this location:Humid continental
Pruning:Winter pruning only
Tree form:Standard
Height:Between 6ft / 2m and 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Medium crops
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Pesticides:Organic treatments
Local pests:Deer, plum curculio, obliquebanded leafroller, apple maggot

Owner's comments

Purchased Gravenstein on M26 rootstock from a local nursury. Decent growth after one season, tree bloomed well, and set many fruit. After thinning to one per cluster, apples grew to a nice size, and were extraordinarily tasty.