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Queen Cox Apple tree

Owner: Jeff

Location:  Leicester, United Kingdom

Age:Planted in about 2011
Age of this tree:15 years
Pruning:Took off top 30cm after planting.
Tree form:Central leader (widest at bottom)
Height:Up to 6ft / 2m
Cropping:Not specified
Growth:Not specified
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Local pests:As yet unknown!

Owner's comments

Planted this one year old, bare rooted Maiden on 2011-02-09, tied to a permanent wooden stake. It is about 6 ft from an Ashmead's Kernel, planted the same day, and very close to an old Discovery apple tree in my neighbour's garden. I pruned the top 30 cm (approx), as described in the detailed instructions from Orange Pippin. Mulched with 1" of wood chippings made by a chainsaw. Flowering started on 2011-04-23, and 90% of the flowers were open by 2011-04-24. There is one cluster of 7 flowers on the main trunk. The flower buds are pale pink and the small flowers are white when fully open. Removed all fruit shortly after flowering ended to allow tree to develop better roots, rather than spend energy fruiting.

Season records for this tree

  • 2013

    Spring blossom: 24 May
    Spring was late, and the cold lasted well into April.
  • 2012

    Spring blossom: 20 May
    Warm and sunny March, early April, followed by a very wet and cold April, continuing into May. Removed most of the flowers.
  • 2011

    Spring blossom: 24 April
    Planted as a 1 year old Maiden on M9 rootstock on 2011-02-09

Queen Cox blossom

Queen Cox blossom

Copyright: Jeff

Uploaded: 25 Apr 2011

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Newly-planted feathered Queen Cox

Newly-planted feathered Queen Cox

Copyright: Jeff

Uploaded: 25 Apr 2011

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