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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Gravenstein Apple tree

Owner: Susan

Location:  Sebastopol, SONOMA, CALIFORNIA, United States

Age:Planted in about
Soil:sandy, clay 
Climate at this location:sunny, mild
Tree form:Not sure
Height:Taller than 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Heavy crops
Growth:Not specified
Local pests:none

Owner's comments

My trees are documented to have been planted in 1887, and are one property over from the actual spot where Nathaniel Griffith and Luther Burbank introduced the first Gravensteins in America. (also in 1887) Therefore, I believe mine to be among the first seedlings, shared from neighbor to neighbor. These old trees, which have battled neglect, encroaching Oaks, and lack of light for 120 years, now resemble some weird growth from another planet, more than they resemble apple trees. Still, they produce green/yellow apples, 5" in diameter, and absolutely flawless, year after year! I'm so proud of them!