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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Wolf River Apple tree

Owner: Ronald

Location:  Eau Claire, EAU CLAIRE, WI, United States

Age:Planted in about 1990
Age of this tree:35 years
Blossom:Unkown at this time
Picking:Not sure
Soil:medium clay 
Tree form:Bush (wider at top than bottom)
Height:Taller than 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Heavy crops
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Pesticides:Chemical treatments
Local pests:Fire Blight

Owner's comments

We have 4 standard trees that were planted 1991 or 1992. Last season, our first season of being an orchard owner, the trees produced 10.5 bushels of large grapefruit sized apples. We canned, apple pie in a jar, and froze them. In our house the pies and crisps made from these apples barely have time to cool before they disappear. Not a good fresh eating apple. In 2010 we removed 2 of the 4 trees to make room for the new trees being planted in 2012. The remaining 2 trees are not doing well. 1 tree has been infected with Fire Blight. We have removed the affected area, applied copper sprays and monitoring it closely. This apple is a favorite for many of our neighbors and my wife Shelly for canning and freezing so we have some on order for planting in 2015. Both remaining standard trees will be removed when the new trees start producing.