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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Jonagored Apple tree

Owner: Jane

Location:  Martley, WORCS, United Kingdom

Age:Planted in about
Rootstock:unknown commercial
Blossom:err sorry
Picking:sept -oct
Soil:rich heavy loam on clay subsoil 
Climate at this location:dampish warmish worcestershire.
Tree form:Not sure
Height:Up to 6ft / 2m
Cropping:Light crops
Growth:This tree does not grow well here
Local pests:badly cankered

Owner's comments

This tree was illegally imported from Belgium some 8 or so yrs ago. A friend & her Belgian husband planted these in their orchards in Eastern Belgium. I know Jonagored is a sport of Jonagold & grown widely over there.After he died in a car crash she sold the orchards but saved this tree & posted it over to me. It is known as Dom's Pomme & however sickly it is it will remain. Not a good variety for our climate. ps don't tell the EC or I'll be in trouble. (This is actually the 2nd tree I've tried to grow for her. The 1st one died ? cause) 2010. This tree died of it's canker. Adjacent trees unaffected. Really unsuited to our climate.