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Bramley's Seedling Apple tree

Owner: Jane

Location:  Martley, WORCS, United Kingdom

Age:Planted in about
Picking:sept oct or later dependant on season.
Soil:rich heavy loam on clay subsoil 
Climate at this location:dampish warmish worcestershire.
Pruning:trim back broken or inconvenient branches.
Tree form:Not sure
Height:Between 6ft / 2m and 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Heavy crops
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Local pests:has some wooly aphis. some mistletoe. otherwise seems fine

Owner's comments

It was a very large & tall tree until a few years ago when under the weight of the crop the main trunk slowly & noisily collapsed. Fearing it was dead but hoping some would survive we left it untouched. It is now mainly horizontal, propped up on a large elbow like bough & has if anything had a new lease of life. Plus it's now easier to pick! Judging by the vigourou new growth I suspect it has rooted where the supporting bough has sunk into the lawn. It also has aquired a healthy damson sucker growing through the middle of the crown. altogether a noble tree. 2010. Another bumper crop. Tree now also has 2 clumps of mistletoe, which we will harvest too.