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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Tydeman's Late Orange Apple tree

Owner: Cheuk

Location:  Amsterdam, NOORD-HOLLAND, Netherlands

Age:Planted in about 2017
Age of this tree:8 years
Soil:Plot has peaty/acidity soil, so fruit trees go into a container. 20 Litres with compost, cow dung, potassium, bloodmeal, lime, liquid firtilizer 
Climate at this location:zone 7a, mild sea climate, lots of sun, lots of wind, hedge to slowdown some wind
Pruning:Cut back central leader to create a goblet shape
Tree form:Bush (wider at top than bottom)
Height:Not sure
Cropping:Does not usually produce any fruit
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Local pests:none at this moment

Owner's comments

I want an apple which last for a very long time when cooled. So I need several winter apple varieties. This is one of those chose varieties. I have not tasted it's fruit at this moment. It still has to grow for a while, and is not even a tree, it's a whip maiden kind of tree, grows slowly because of the M9 rootstock.