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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Hudson's Golden Gem Apple tree

Owner: David

Location:  Two Rivers, WI, United States

Age:Planted in about 2013
Age of this tree:12 years
Soil:sandy with a little clay 
Climate at this location:Zone 5a - cool, within 1 mile of Lake Michigan
Pruning:not pruning at this time
Tree form:Central leader (widest at bottom)
Height:Not sure
Cropping:Heavy crops
Growth:Not specified
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Pesticides:Not sure
Local pests:my dog, aphids

Owner's comments

One scion grafted onto my Cortland tree in April 2012. Sadly the graft died. Then in May 2013, grafted two scions onto the same Cortland tree, and this time they are both growing! Heavy crop on my two branches in 2015, but of course my dog thought they were so delicious that he ate every single one! He prefers the Hudson's over the Cortland and Fauxwhelp apples on the same tree, although eventually he tore into those as well. Parent tree died of fireblight in 2017, lost the Hudson's Golden Gem branches also affected.

Season records for this tree

  • 2017

    Spring blossom: 29 May
    A few blooms, but lots of bud damage, possible fireblight.
  • 2015

    Spring blossom: 30 May
    Harvest: 1st week October  1kg / 2lbs
    Huge growth and fruit set, pruned to 2 per cluster, 9 fruits remain. Dog ate every one of them!