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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Whitney Crab Apple tree

Owner: Marsha

Location:  Portland, OR, United States

Age of this tree:2025 years
Soil:Hole cleared out in old gravel/trash driveway over base clay. Lots of compost. 
Climate at this location:9 months of wet, occasional freezes, 3 months of almost no rainfall.
Pruning:Yes. It's not too aggressive, so even on M111 I can keep up with its growth.
Tree form:Central leader (widest at bottom)
Height:Between 6ft / 2m and 15ft / 4m
Cropping:Medium crops
Growth:Not specified
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Local pests:Nothing seems to have attacked this one (yet). Had major apple maggot problem on apple about 50' away.

Owner's comments

Got this for a pollenizer, and got a bonus of decent little eating apples. It's a pretty peaceable tree, not growing faster than I can prune it, not very susceptible to much. I put kaolin-treated footies around bunches of apples last year, but those that weren't covered weren't attached, either.

Season records for this tree

  • 2013

    Spring blossom: 7 April