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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Jonathan Apple tree

Owner: Alison

Location:  Clunes, VICTORIA, Australia

Age:Planted in about
Soil:Heavy clay loam 
Climate at this location:Cold winters (frost - no snow), hot summers (mediterranean)
Pruning:I will be pruning this tree
Tree form:Central leader (widest at bottom)
Height:Up to 6ft / 2m
Cropping:Not specified
Growth:This tree grows easily here
Herbicides:Manual treatment (hoeing and weeding)
Pesticides:Not sure
Local pests:Codling moth on wild trees, slugs.

Owner's comments

A new young tree planted bare rooted this winter in my tiny 12 tree (5 apples) orchard. Now awaiting spring to observe its new leaves unfurling.