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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Press Release: Orange Pippin and All About Apples


Richard Borrie
Orange Pippin Ltd
33 Algarth Rise, Pocklington
York YO42 2HX
United Kingdom
Phone: 01759 392007

Scott Chaussee
BlackTwig Design, LLC
801 S. Garfield #143
Traverse City, MI 49686
United States
Phone: (231) 218-4358

Orange Pippin and All About Apples Merge to Become World's Leading Apple Resource and Orchard Community Website

Pocklington, York / Traverse City, Michigan -- July 26, 2011 -- Orange Pippin Ltd of Pocklington, York, United Kingdom and BlackTwig Design, LLC of Traverse City, Michigan announce the merger of their respective apple resource websites, and, under the Orange Pippin brand name. The new website becomes the world's largest and most comprehensive online international apple community resource, and is on track to welcome more than three million visitors a year.

The original website was named after the famous English apple Cox's Orange Pippin and was started in 2005 by Richard Borrie from York, England. It has become a premier online resource for apple varieties, with a particular focus on the pedigrees and attributes of hundreds of international apple varieties. was also started in 2005 by Scott Chaussee from Traverse City, Michigan USA, and is one of the leading apple community websites, catering to visitors looking for apples at local orchards throughout the United States and Canada.

The new combined Orange Pippin website is a unique trans-Atlantic partnership, reflecting the long heritage of apple varieties and orchards in the USA and the UK and Europe, and the shared enthusiasm of Richard and Scott.

The new went live in July 2011 and contains:

  • Information on over 600 apple varieties, with user reviews and a new 'vote' feature to track varieties the apple community feels are best in class.
  • Listings of more than 2,200 apple orchards worldwide, with easy to use search and mapping capabilities - including the ability to search for orchards by location and/or by the apple varieties grown.
  • A unique Apple Tree Register, with more than 2,500 individual trees registered in gardens and community orchards, allowing owners to record blossom and harvest dates for their trees and compare with other enthusiasts.
  • Apple resource information such as: health studies, backyard orchard articles and recipes.
  • A calendar of Apple Festivals as well as Orchard and Industry-wide events.
  • An 800+ member forum board to discuss various topics surrounding orchards, apples and tree care.


While focused on apples, Orange Pippin also has varietal information on cherries and plums.


Orchard owners are encouraged to add or update their orchard information so the public has the most recent information possible for use in the upcoming harvest season. Updates can be made online at: can also provide tasting notes, photographs and related resources to state and national apple associations for use in their own publications and websites. For more information, contact Orange Pippin.

More details:
Orange Pippin can be found online at: Facebook: Twitter:

In addition, updates on variety and orchard listings are available on
General inquiries:

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