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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Fruit Tree Register FAQs

What is the purpose of the Fruit Tree Register?

Our tree register lets you record blossom and harvest dates season by season, and compare with fellow fruit tree enthusiasts..

Will my address details be kept anonymous?

The Fruit Tree Register is designed to be used by both private individuals and public organizations.  You can control whether your full address or just your nearest city is shown in the listings.

If you are a public organization and want visitors to be able to come and view your trees, please complete full address details.

We (Orange Pippin) will use the data you provide only in connection with our Register, as an interesting resource for fellow fruit tree enthusiasts. We take your data very seriously, and will not sell or rent it to other organizations.  If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

How accurately do I have to record the details of my trees?

The Fruit Tree Register is not intended to be scientifically accurate, it is primarily a community interest tool, helping fellow enthusiasts to see what others are growing and where.

If you get stuck you can always submit a partial listing and then contact us for assistance.

None of my fruit trees are particularly rare - is it still worth recording their details?

Yes, please record your tree details regardless of how rare or common the variety is.  It all helps to build up a map of what fruit trees people are growing and where.

What happens if you don't have my variety in the drop-down list of varieties?

If you can't find your variety in the drop-down list of varieties just enter it under 'Other variety'.  We will review your entry and add the variety details to our database if required.

How can I add the details of my fruit tree to your Fruit Tree Register?

You will first need to Register an account with us.  You can then follow the 'Tree register' link which appears beside your 'Account details'.  Registration is simple - only 5 mandatory fields - and not intrusive.  We will use your details only relation to the Orange Pippin family of websites.

I have dozens of trees, is there a quicker way to enter the details?

Yes, just send the details of your trees to us as an Excel spreadsheet and we can load them all into the database for you.