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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Jollay Orchards

1850 Friday Road
Coloma, MI 49038
United States
Telephone: (269) 468-3075
Visiting: Not permitted

Always call ahead before travelling to any orchard to check their opening times.


Enjoy free hayrides to pick apples and pumpkins. Farm market with specialty products. Make your own warm caramel apples, apple pie baked in a paper bag, jams, jellies and other Fall items. Visit our new Haunted House. Spend a day at Jollay Orchards! Haunted House open nights 7-11 p.m.

Products / Fruit Grown

Sweet Cherries, Black Raspberries, tree-ripened PeachesApples available for local collection