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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Crane Orchards

6054 124th Ave
Fennville, MI 49408
United States
Telephone: (269) 561-8651
Visiting: Not permitted

Always call ahead before travelling to any orchard to check their opening times.


Crane Orchards in Fennville is open seasonally, depending on weather. Today, aside from producing almost all of the fruit that the Pie Pantry needs for its fruit desserts and apple cider, Crane Orchards is one of the finest u-pick orchards in Michigan. The scenery is breath taking. The fall of 2002 saw the first corn maze for visitors to get lost in. Also, hayrides around the farm are available for folks to enjoy on the weekends in the fall. With each new idea offered to Cranes visitors comes the pleasure of sharing just a little of what we have here!

Products / Fruit Grown

15 different varietiesU-pick peaches, Red Haven, Glo Haven, Loring & Redskin. Start early Aug.-Late Sept. Plums & nectarines mid-Sept. through third week of Oct.Apples available for local collection