• Record your blossom dates!
  • Our fruit tree register lets you record your spring blossom dates from year to year.More>
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All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown

Vista Bella Farm Orchard and Apiary

2859 Malagash Road
Malagash, NS Canada
Telephone: (902) 257-2288
Email: vbfarm@gmail.com
Visiting: Occasional public access

Always call ahead before travelling to any orchard to check their opening times.


We are an eight acre orchard, boasting over 60 varieties of apples, pears and plums. Many of our apple varieties are heritage breeds. We offer a u-pick on Saturday and Sunday's from 12:00 to 5:00 September through mid November.

Products / Fruit Grown

Gravenstein, Lobo, Wealthy, Cox Orange Pippin, Red and Golden Delicious, Ambrosia, Honeycrisp, McIntosh, Gala, Northern Spy, Nova Spy, Greensleeves, Bramley, Spartan, Ida Red, Empire, Jonagold, Wolf River, Geneva and Dolgo Crabapple, Gingergold, Sandow, Russet and more.....Pears: Clapp, Bartlett, Harrovin Sundown Plums: Stanley, Shiro, Italian Prune, Early Golden and moreNon-Alcoholic Cider / Juice AvailableGift Packages Available